For over 30 years, SCGI has researched the strategies, habits, mental models of highly effective organizations. Our original research, combined with proven work from multiple disciplines, combine to create a rich and deep set of approaches that work.
Everything we do to support you and your enterprise begins and ends with a clear focus on results. Achieving lasting results is possible when a results-oriented workplace is created.
Resources applied with keen insight into your organization's unique challenges leave you able to continue the work long after the SCGI Team completes our work.
It's all about people, after all. Building strong relationships before, during and after organizational challenges are met, is the stuff of life! It's what makes it all worthwhile.
Learn the fundamentals of supervision and management as the apply to your organization.
Discover the Core Competencies and fundamental skills of effective leaders. Learn how to practice them in such a way that your impact grows.
Learn and apply the Disciplines of all high-performance teams and begin to apply them immediately. The result will make your group significantly more effective.
This 9 month course, customized to fit your organization, meets monthly to discover and apply the mental models, habits and skills of effective leaders.
Learn about the neurology and psychology behind conflict. Apply simple, powerful, and leveraged tools to change forever how you think about and manage conflict.
This 3 day class will help you become more effective when you assume the crucial role of Facilitator.
Learn life-changing mental models, skills, habits and disciplines practiced by the most resilient people and teams. This is our most requested theme.
Most workplace cultures are accidental and risk averse. Learn how to create healthy, vibrant, innovative and resilient cultures. Discover how to build an intentional culture at your workplace.
Recruitment and hiring, especially for key positions, is time-consuming and complex. SCGI will build a competency-based hiring process that gets the right person in the right position at the right time.
You have a unique set of challenges. We will create an approach to those challenges that works better than anything you have tried. Sounds lofty, but our 30 years of experience with hundreds of enterprises has given us the ability to provide highly valuable and leveraged support even with challenges as complex as yours.
PO Box 3887 Silverdale, WA 98383 US